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Spanish-American War


The Spanish-American War 1898 turned the United States into a world power.  

The Spanish-American War began with the sinking of
the battleship USS Maine in the harbor of Havana, Cuba,
on February 15, 1898.  McKinley had sent the Maine to
Havana to ensure the safety of American citizens and
interests.  After the declaration of war, the troops of the
V Corp left Tampa, Florida.  Their purpose was to capture
the city of Santiago de Cuba in order to destroy the army
led by Arsenio Linares y Pombo and the Spanish fleet
led by Pascual Cervera.
Defending the Heights
The Spanish Flag
The Defenders of San Juan Heights
The Spanish forces at the Old Fort MacArthur Days Living History event and fundraiser are led by Ted Stahr and Dave Oneslager.  The Spaniards are composed of members from the 1st US (Berden) SharpShooter. 


To the American Citizen Soldier,
Who Answered the Call,
Climbed the Hill,
Paid the Price,
And Never Let Us Down.

Members of the SpanAm War Group
The Artillery Expect
Doug Howser
The 'Old Fort MacArthur Days' event held in July is
one of the major events attended by the Spanish-
American War Groups 1898.  The members come 
from across the country to be a part of the biggest
reenactment show and living history event presented
in the City of the Angels, Los Angeles, CA.  
President of W.E.S.T.
Trooper Lou Lopez
To learn more about Western Educators, Shooters &
Troopers, click on the above photo of its President,
Lou Lopez.
The Spanish-American War Centennial website: