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La historia de los Californios de la Guerra Americano-Mexicano, los Soldados de Cubano y Espana de la Guerra Espana-Americano, y los Soldados Mexicanos de Pancho Villa.

When I joined Western Educators, Shooters & Troopers, I joined as an Insurrecto Cubano fighting on the American side of the Spanish-American War 1898.  My uniform was simple, but accurate enough to be accepted by the members of the Spanish War Group - 1898.  I studied the war and found many interesting subjects and items.  I even found a town by the name of Larzaro Lopez in Cuba.  (Do I have relatives in Cuba?  Who knows.)  As I took over the reign of W.E.S.T., I continued to read and study about the Soldados, their life, their land, and their leaders.  
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