May - third Sunday - Museums On The Arroyo Day
Heritage Square Village 380 Homer Street, Highland Park Avenue 43 exit, 110 Arroyo Seco Parkway Los
Angles, Los Angeles County Check event link for information: http://museumsofthearroyo.com/
July - weekend following the Fourth of July week 'Old Fort MacArthur Days Living History Event' Fundraiser at the Fort MacArthur Museum Angel Gate Park, 3601 South Gaffey Street Harbor City of San Pedro,
Los Angeles County Check museum link for information: http://www.ftmac.org
Flabob Airport Veteran Day Celebration and Frontier Day November 9, 2013 ONLY Historic Flabob Airport 4130
Mennes Avenue Riverside, Riverside County 92509 Check airport link for information: http://www.flabob.org/
Other local events
Upcoming Event 2013
None - TBA
Mexican / Latino / Hispanic History
January - second Sunday - Campo de Cahuenga
3919 Lankershim Boulevard Studio City/North Hollywood, CA 91604 Lankershim exit off the 101 Freeway Los
Angeles, Los Angeles County Check campo link for information: http://www.campodecahuenga.com/
TBA 2013 - Day to be arranged - Living History Timeline Rancho Dominguez Adobe 18127
South Alameda Street south of the 91 Freeway Rancho Dominguez, Los Angeles County, CA Check rancho
link for information: http://dominguezrancho.org/